Resurrection Power


The Cross is a mystery. The enemy had not a clue that ‘death’ which expresses the total helplessness of man, would actually work out salvation for the souls that would cry out to the spotless lamb! When the enemy incited the crowd to call for the death of the anointed one, he actually thought he was going to have the victory once and for all!

“None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” 1 Corinthians 2:8

God’s wisdom runs deeper than the mighty oceans! Who would think that God who has all the choice in the world to choose how to save mankind, would actually choose the route of pain. We all hate pain, any given day! Whatever form, pain may take, we want to flee from it. Who would ‘choose’ pain? Especially if we’ve got a choice? But why the God of the Universe ‘chose’ pain, remains a mystery!

Quite apparently Satan thought that God was a God of ‘comfort’, and not a God who embraces pain and suffering. On the contrary, when Christ completely submitted Himself to the Father (Phil 2:8), by submitting to the Cross, He brought delight to the heart of the Father, and God raised Him up from the dead. (Acts 2:24)

Resurrection power is available to us only when we 1.die and 2. submit to God even in our pain. In whatever area of life we would want to witness the resurrection power of Christ, we need to confess our total helplessness and come to the Cross for Help. As long as we think we can do it all by ‘our’ strength, wealth, skill, and wisdom, we sure can do nothing! The moment we realise our helplessness and come to the Cross for Help, ALL OF HEAVEN is waiting to bring the Resurrection power of Christ in us!

The mystery that still saves us! The Cross! Because He lives, we shall live also! What a mighty God we serve!



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